Accueil > Artistes > Jazz > Sam Rivers > Albums et Singles

Albums et singles de Sam rivers

A Night in New Orleans

1. Basic Experience
2. Electric Quality
3. Explosion Party
4. Greased Vortex
5. Habit Is on Its Way
6. Hard Circus
7. Hotshot Fight
8. Knowledge from a Distance
9. Lace Vortex
10. Strength Hurts
11. Wicked Time

Cosmic Day

1. Abdominous Freedom
2. Bonhomie Party
3. Clinquant Tricks
4. Cosmic Courage
5. Dark River
6. Deafening Isotope
7. Fugacious Envy
8. Hidden Redintegrate
9. Naturally Stelliferous
10. New Wave Source
11. Prepossessing Grace
12. Pretty Probity
13. Salubrious Anger
14. Stelliferous Force
15. Weak Feelings
16. Weapons of Munificence
17. When the World Turns Abdominous
18. You Gotta Be Cosmic

Essence, Vol. 2

1. Essence, Part 6 - Group with the Soprano
2. Essence, Part 7 - Group with the Piano,

Essence, Vol. 3

1. Essence, Part 8 - Group with the Tenor S
2. Essence, Part 9 - Drums Interlude & Grou

Essence, Vol. 1

1. Essence, Part 1 - Instrumental Solo of t
2. Essence, Part 2 - Instrumental Solo of t
3. Essence, Part 3 - Instrumental Solo of t
4. Essence, Part 4 - Dramatic Intrusion of
5. Essence, Part 5 - Group with the Flute


1. Dawn
2. Flare
3. Flame
4. Scud


1. Amber
2. Turqoise
3. Rose
4. Charteuse
5. Mauve
6. Indigo
7. Onyx & Topaz
8. Ivory Black
9. Violet

Blue Knights

1. A Touch of Your Night
2. Anthem of the Stadium
3. California Intimidation
4. Endless Concern
5. Mystery Mysticism
6. Mystery Mysticism (Remix)
7. Potent Night
8. Stealing City
9. Step Away from the Universe
10. Toxic Stars
11. Truth Can't Stop Us
12. Universe Wasted
13. Lock in Love

Lets Go Love

1. Lets Go Love


1. Rose
2. The Elder Speaks
3. Bursts
4. Flame
5. Flux
6. Hues of Melanin - Violet
7. Precis
8. Torch
9. Onyx & Topaz
10. Zip
11. Earth Song

Quasar: Live at the Chicago Jazz Festival September 1999

1. Inspiration
2. Beatrice
3. Melange
4. Impulse
5. Colors (Part 3)
6. Quasar


1. Circles
2. Zip
3. Solace
4. Verve
5. Dazzle
6. Images
7. Lines

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