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Carl Orff

Musique Classique » Musique Chorale et Vocale

Carl Orff

Orff: An Introduction

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Carmina Burana / Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi: 1. "O Fortuna" - Live from the Forbidden City
Carmina Burana / 3. Cour d'amours: "Dulcissime" - Live from the Forbidden City
Catulli Carmina: Exodium: Chorus: Eis aiona
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Vae, vae ibunt, ibunt"
Carmina Burana / Uf dem Anger: "Were diu werlt alle min" - Live from the Forbidden City
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Vae, vae, portae inferi"
Carmina Burana / 3. Cour d'amours: "Si puer cum puellula" - Live from the Forbidden City
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Nicht Satanas, der Widersacher"
Carmina Burana / 3. Cour d'amours: "Veni, veni, venias" - Live from the Forbidden City
Carmina Burana / Blanziflor et Helena: "Ave formosissima" - Live from the Forbidden City
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Wann endet die Zeit?"
Carmina Burana / Uf dem Anger: Dance - Live from the Forbidden City
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Kyrie, Kyrie, Kyrie"
Trionfo di Afrodite: No. 6 Canto di novelli sposi dal talamo
Carmina Burana / 2. In Taberna: "Ego sum abbas" - Live from the Forbidden City
Trionfo di Afrodite: No. 7 Apparizione di Afrodite
Carmina Burana / 3. Cour d'amours: "Circa mea pectora" - Live from the Forbidden City
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Omne genus daemoniorum"
Carmina Burana / 3. Cour d'amours: "Stetit puella" - Live from the Forbidden City
Carmina Burana / 3. Cour d'amours: "Tempus est iocundum" - Live from the Forbidden City
Trionfo di Afrodite: No. 2 Corteo nuziale ed arrivo della sposa e dello sposo
Carmina Burana / 3. Cour d'amours: "In trutina" - Live from the Forbidden City
Carmina Burana / 1. Primo vere: "Omnia Sol temperat" - Live from the Forbidden City
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Unus solus deus ab aeterno"
Carmina Burana / 2. In Taberna: "Estuans interius" - Live from the Forbidden City
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Angor, timor, horror, terror"
Carmina Burana / 1. Primo vere: "Ecce gratum" - Live from the Forbidden City
Enchanted Night (Arr. for Strings by Huang) - Live from the Forbidden City
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Cho - neuso gar hapanta kai"
Carmina Burana / Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi: "O Fortuna" - Reprise / Live from the Forbidden City
Carmina Burana / 3. Cour d'amours: "Dies, nox et omnia" - Live from the Forbidden City
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Opse theu g'aleusi myloi"
Carmina Burana / Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi: "Fortune plango vulnera" - Live from the Forbidden City
Carmina Burana / 2. In Taberna: "In taberna quando sumus" - Live from the Forbidden City
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Upote, maepote..."
Carmina Burana / 3. Cour d'amours: "Amor volat undique" - Live from the Forbidden City
Carmina Burana / Uf dem Anger: "Chramer, gip die varwe mir" - Live from the Forbidden City
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Gott, schenk uns Wahrsagung"
Carmina Burana / 2. In Taberna: "Olim lacus colueram" - Live from the Forbidden City
Carmina Burana / Uf dem Anger: "Floret silva nobilis" - Live from the Forbidden City
"De temporum fine comoedia": "Mundus, terrenus"
Carmina Burana / 1. Primo vere: "Veris leta facies" - Live from the Forbidden City
Carmina Burana / Uf dem Anger: "Reie" - "Swaz hie gat umbe" - "Chume, chum geselle min" - Live from the Forbidden City
Jasmine Flower (Arr. by Zou) - Live from the Forbidden City

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